
"A poem is a small thing but it can reach far and wide": Jane was interviewed about her writing and the influence of her upbringing on a farm in County Roscommon for the Roscommon People. You can read the article here, published on 13 December 2024.

Arena, RTE Radio 1: Jane was interviewed by Sean Rocks on 4 December 2024 about the ROOTS exhibition of 50 textile artworks responding to her poems. You can listen back here. Jane reads a new poem 'Roots' which gave the exhibition its title and 'Against the Flow' from her first collection, The River. 

Planet Poetry Podcast Interview December 2023: An in-depth interview with Jane was featured on the Christmas edition of the Planet Poetry podcast. Scroll down here to 13 December 2023, Season 4, Episode 4. 

As one of the ten shortlisted poet for the TS Eliot Prize 2023 Jane is interviewed about her work here.

In January 2024, Emily Driver interviewed Jane Clarke and Jason Allen-Paisant about their TS Eliot Prize shortlisted collections for UCL's Era Journal.

To mark National Poetry Day, 5 October 2023, Myslexia Magazine asked Jane 20 Questions about her writing life.

US poet and playwright Grace Cavalieri interviews Jane about her collection A Change in the Air  here. It is a half-hour podcast in the renowned Library of Congress series, The Poet and the Poem and was recorded in October 2023. In 2019 Grace interviewed Jane about When the Tree Falls  here, also for the The Poet and the Poem Series. 

Ron Charles, Book Critic of the Washington Post, hosted a live interview with Jane in the NYU Brademas Centre, Washington DC, October 2023. Jane read and discussed poems from A Change in the Air. The full interview is available here.

In August 2023 Timothy Green, editor of US poetry magazine Rattle, interviewed Jane at length about her work. Jane also read poems from A Change in the Air.  The interview is available on YouTube here, starting at 9.35.  

Seán Rocks interviewed Jane about her recent collection When the Tree Falls on Arena RTE Radio 1, Tuesday 19 May. You can listen to the interview here. She read poems from the collection and a new poem 'The Key'.

As part of a series of Bailey & Blake films about the Liffey, Jane talks about and reads her poem, 'Swim', a tribute to her friend, Shirley McClure. The poem will be published in her next Bloodaxe collection, When the Tree Falls.

Olivia O'Leary interviewed Jane about All the Way Home in The Poetry Programme, RTE Radio 1, 4 November 2018. You can hear the interview here, (21 mins.) including 3 poems from the sequence. 

Seán Rocks interviewed Jane about the poetry of World War I on Arena, RTE Radio 1, 2 October 2018. Listen to the full interview here or watch a YouTube clip from the interview here.

Jane discusses poetry of landscape, nature and place with poets, Geraldine Mitchell and Nessa O'Mahony in the Attic Sessions, May 2018.

Jane reads a new poem, "Birthing the Lamb" and discusses her work in this podcast from Near FM's Poem of the Week, broadcast February 2018.

In this extract from the documentary film, "Along by the River; Discover the River Suck", Jane reads a poem from her first collection and speaks about how the river influenced her writing.

Jane is interviewed on RTE ONE about winning the Listowel Writers' Week Irish Poem of the Year 2016 at the Bord Gais Energy Irish Book of the Year Awards.

Jane reads three poems from The River and speaks about her work in this interview on RTE Radio 1's Poetry Programme, November 2016.

Jane is invited to speak about creativity for a National Council for Curriculum & Assessment conference, May 2011.

Jane reflects on her writing in these interviews:

The Poet Magazine, Autumn 2019.

Writers Chat Series with Shauna Gilligan, June 2018

Island's Edge, Poets on Poetry, February 2018.

Elementum Journal of Nature & Story, Edition 1 2016.

Poetry Spotlight, 19 March 2016.

Shauna Gilligan, 12 October 2015., 2 October 2015.

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